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"Leac naturist pentru mici alunite de piele"

Tot ce ati precizat dumneavoastra, poate fi abordat cu succes prin terapeutica homeopatica. Atentie cu "alunitele", care nu trebuie iritate cu tot felul de pomezi sau lotiuni. Pare incredibil, dar in homeopatie nu folosim nici un agent extern, doar acele granulite impregnate cu remediile homeopatice pe care pacientul le topeste lent pe limba, pe nemancate, in zilele si la intervalele precizate de medicul homeopat.
Ce spun cititorii (ultimul mesaj pentru acest articol)
  10.10.2011 18:50 
alunitele iti dispare cu ulei de ricin e foarte bun m-am dat trei luni in fiecare seara pe alunite si mia trecut eu sunt foarte multumita
  18.08.2011 12:40 
Buna ziua pt HPV oral e buna tinctura de propolis sau recomandati altceva?
  07.12.2010 14:30 
Alunite in piele
Skin Moles Explained Most skin moles are harmless and don’t have to be removed but many people who have skin moles (especially facial moles) feel they are unattractive and so for cosmetic reasons, go for skin mole removal. If you want to remove moles, there are various ways: - Laser mole removal is a fairly new procedure which is effective for small facial moles. There is slight discomfort with about a 70% success rate and scarring is possible. It is not the method of choice for deep facial moles because the laser light does not penetrate deeply enough. - Surgery is another method to remove moles either by excision followed by stitches, or excision with cauterization to burn away the mole. There is some pain involved and the procedure may result in a scar. - One of the home remedies for mole removal is a healing natural oils product. This is an effective, gentle and safe way to remove moles. Made from highest quality essential oils, only a few drops are needed per application to start the removal process. This treatment will draw out the moles with no burning or skin irritation so that they flake away without any scarring Moles are usually small, dark, skin growths that develop from pigment-producing cells in the skin but they can be flesh-colored or yellow-brown, raised off the skin and very noticeable or they may contain dark hairs. Having hairs in a mole does not make it more dangerous. Special cells that contain the pigment melanin cause the brown color of most moles. Everyone in the world has at least one mole and some people will have up to 40 all over their body. Moles should not be confused with skin tags which have a very different appearance. Skin tags are literally bits of skin that hang off with a stalk. Only about 1% of the human population is born with moles as most develop during childhood. It is the moles that develop in adulthood that you have to be aware of and watch for any changes. It is easy to keep an eye on facial moles because we tend to examine our faces regularly in the mirror but it is those moles elsewhere that we can easily forget about. However they should be checked too. If you are at all concerned, go to your dermatologist for a full evaluation and screening. A dermatologist can advise you on all types of skin disorders. The risk of any mole developing into melanoma or cancerous mole is small – about one case in 200 000. A malignant melanoma is a skin cancer that develops due to abnormal growth and the spread of melanocytes in the skin. Melanocytes are a type of skin cell responsible for producing brown pigment when exposed to the sun, giving us a sun tan. Atypical moles, which are also known as dysplastic nevi, are moles that could be suspicious. They are considered to be precancerous or more likely to turn into melanoma than regular moles, with features such as an irregular border, slight variation in color or are asymmetrical (that is the two halves of the mole do not look the same). Red moles or blood moles are often not true moles but cherry hemangiomas. These round, bright red or purple spots are made up of blood vessels and are 1 to 4 mm in size. Some people will have many of these blood moles all over their body but remember these lesions are benign and do not necessarily need to be removed. Raised blood moles can become bothersome if they are scraped, bumped or injured when they may bleed or be painful. As with any cosmetic procedure, always make check to check in with your Physician, especically in the case where you are using other skin care products that may conflict with mole removal products. Other Resources: Moles at Web MD - a comprehensive look at the nature of moles, risk and assessment Skin Tag Removal - a look at skin tags, diagnosis and skin tag removal. - more accurate information about mole prevention
  20.11.2010 12:40 
tinctura de propolis e buna pt condiloame HPV, IN ZONA GENITALA???????
  21.08.2010 14:29 
  21.08.2010 14:13 
  07.07.2010 11:45 
dar vreau sa scap si eu de o alunita cum pot face fara sa ma operez...plissss spuneti-mi va rog
  31.01.2010 23:40 
Cum as putea sa scap de alunite(fara interventii chirurgicale)?
  31.01.2010 23:40 
Cum as putea sa scap de alunite(fara interventii chirurgicale)?
  21.01.2010 14:52 
un sfat medical
Am multe alunite pe tot corpul. Vreau sa stiu daca exista vreun remediu sa le fac sa dispara si sa nu se mai inmulteasca? Va rog sa ma ajutati!!
  23.09.2009 23:50 
Este foarte bun acest site ,as dori si eu mai multe imformatii cu privire la tratarea alunitelor pe cale naturista.Va multumesc.
  28.08.2009 01:03 
am alunite
miau esit citeva alunite dar nu sunt ca cele din nastere arata ca o bucatica de carne crescuta si sunt maronii cu ce leas putea trata leacuri babesti sa nu mai ajung la doctor?
  11.06.2009 14:56 
revin...scz dk deranjez
este ca o bucata de piele in exces,ieri m-am enervat si ambagat unghia in ea,iar peste vreo 5 minute se intarise putin...
  11.06.2009 14:50 
iesita din piele
Am o proeminenta pe umarul stang crescuta din piele ca un un turn flexibil,de vreo 5 mm si ma enerveaza,de multe ori am incercat s trag de ea poate o desprind :D :))...e de culoarea pielii,are si tata vreo 2 si as vrea s stiu dk e vreao sansa s scap de cum ? m pot abtine s trag de ea,m enerveaza rau de tot...
  09.05.2009 15:36 
Va rog din suflet spune-ti-mi cum se pot trata condiloamele cu tinctura de propolis?care este procedura?va multumesc !
  24.04.2009 21:49 
condiloamele dispar cu tinctura de propolis ,garantat
  05.02.2009 13:05 
thuja remediul homeopat recomandat in condiloame
ma intereseaza modul de administrare,in cazul papilomului acuminat, verucii genitale. Cu siguranta asta e. Aparut pe labia dreapta, in urma unui contact sexual neprotejat cu o persoana instabila din punct de vedere sexual. Am citit ca tulpinile 6 si 11 ale virusului papiloma H.P.V.sunt raspunzatoare pentru condiloamele genitale, iar tulpinile 16 si 18 sunt implicate in aparitia cancerului de col uterin. Nu m-ar ajuta sa merg la dermatolog si sa-mi confirme ca asta e. Lucrez in domeniu, sunt cadru medical cu pregatire medie si nu stiu cui sa ma prezint pentru un consult. O prietena mi-a zis sa ma prezint unui dermatolog, mai degraba decat unui ginecolog. Stiu ca trebuie sa fac si testul papanicolau, dar am auzit de remediul homeopat Thuia si doresc sa incerc, numai ca nu stiu cum se administreaza. Sunt sigura ca ginecologii si dermatologii din Baia Mare nu imi vor recomanda acest remediu, ci mai degraba cauterizare sau dizolvare cu condilline. Am citit ca pot sa dispara de la sine cam in doi ani. Eu il am deja de un an. Dar as incerca si Thuja. Va rog foarte frumos sa postati modul de administrare. Nu am gasit nicaieri. Ma indoiesc ca voi ajunge vreodata sa ma prezint la o consultatie sau sa am de a face cu domnul doctor Teleianu. Va multumesc anticipat!
  06.07.2007 19:41 
Exista cumva vreo crema (sau orice altceva in afara de interventii chirurgicale) care previne aparitia de alunite si eventual ajuta la disparitia lor? Sunt mici,multe si bine conturate. Va multumesc.
  24.06.2007 17:45 
un sfat medical
Buna ziua, fiul meu are nevi sutoni iritati si in jurul lor un cerculet alb.Va rog sa imi spuneti daca este vreo problema dupa extirpare?Multumesc mult!!! ANA
  12.05.2006 19:32 
copil emotiv
buna ziua, as dori o consultatie la cabinetul dr.Ioan Teleianu in legatura cu fetita mea in varsta de 9ani care este foarte emotiva atat cu adultii cat si cu colegii de clasa ,transpira foarte mult la subrat cu miros puternic are si probleme de comunicare
  25.03.2006 13:50 
programare consultatie
Am auzit in repetate randuri numai de bine despre tratamentele homeopate dar nu am incercat niciodata. Si chiar as dori sa incerc un tratament pt inlaturarea alunitelor care mi s-au inmultit f mult pe gat si pe piept. In acelasi timp-pt sotul meu un tratament pt o acnee pe tot spatele care il afecteaza de ani de zile si fara nici un raspuns la alte tratamente clasice. Daca ne puteti oferi o consultatie, va rog sa-mi comunicati pretul acesteia si cand ne puteti primi. Va multumesc! Madalina B.

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